boutique marketing agency
Together Forward

Brut Marketing Agency - Cooperation model in crisis

We are in this together. Let’s unite to bring back customers to Bali, boost the tourism industry and other Island businesses, and reap the benefits. Together. 

We offer an unprecedented barter-based cooperation model for great businesses who are struggling right now in order for them to recover fast, make the best of the circumstances and be many steps ahead of their competitors (who are shut down or sleeping at the moment).

We understand that you have a limited marketing budget or don’t have it at all right now, but you need your business to not only survive but also grow in this “new normal”.

You have empty rooms in your hotel or unbooked seats on a plane, your shop is full of furniture and your gym is empty, you provide high-speed Internet or produce dry sparkling wine, or you have a wide audience that could be interested in marketing tips and services. For us, that is good enough to start working with you!  

At Brut we are ready to completely Restart your business or run a Kick-start marketing campaign on this exact barter-basis -  you don’t have to pay for our services, but in exchange will provide us with your products or services. 

Q: How to qualify?
A: Everyone is eligible to apply for this offer, all applications will be reviewed and answered. However, and even in spite of the situation, we keep our own promise to ourselves and follow our principals, such as to onboard a maximum of 1 new client partner per month, to work with businesses with whom we have similar principles and only when we believe we can help. Read more about our values.

Q: How will Brut utilise my products or services?
A: There are two options. If they fit our business or personal needs - we will use them. On the other hand, Brut has a wide network of partners in Bali from industries such as travel, real estate, events and others, who may need your products or services. Therefore, we will exchange or sell your products to our partners. More details will be provided in the next stages.

Q: What if I have nothing to offer in return for Brut’s services or will not qualify for them?
A: You should never give up if you believe in what you are doing. Taking care of your marketing is a MUST - especially in challenging times for businesses.
We have developed anti-crisis case studies for businesses in Bali (hotels, villas, travel agencies, restaurants, bars, others), where we research & analyse general marketing ideas and strategies for niche businesses. You will definitely find some useful tips and inspiration there.
In any case, we always reply to inquiries, so feel free to write to us to discuss your needs.

We believe that now more than ever promising businesses should help each other by collaborating for a better future. Inquire below to qualify.